Knowledge is Key to Variability in Solving Algebraic Word Problems
Ng Swee Fong
15311-325, 2011
Congruent Triangles Sufficient and Insufficient Conditions Suggested Milestones for Inquiry and Discussion
Patkin Dorit , Plaksin Olga
15327-340, 2011
Development of a Product Oriented Group for Mathematics Teachers Professional Growth
Liu Chun Yi , Cheo Shu Tin
15341-355, 2011
Analyzing Errors Made by Eighth-Grade Students in Solving Geometrical Problems
Huang Xing Feng , Cheng Long Hai
15357-371, 2011
Students` Field-dependency and Their Mathematical Performance based on Bloom`s Cognitive Levels
Alamolhodael Hassan , Hedayat Panah Ahmad , Radmehr Farzad
15373-384, 2011