For Author

Print ISSN 1226-6191|Online ISSN 2287-9943

Instructions to Authors
Preparing your paper
Style and Structure

JKSMED requires all manuscripts including book reviews and commentaries to follow the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA; so called the APA style), 7th edition. Research articles should not exceed 10,000 words excluding references and appendix. Book reviews and research reviews are up to 5,000 words.

Title page

This page is to contain:

  • • Running head (shortened title)
  • • Title
  • • Author(s)
  • • Affiliation(s)
  • • Full address for correspondence, telephone and/or fax numbers, and e-mail address
Statements and Declarations

This separate document includes the followings:

  • • Acknowledgements
  • • Ethics approval and consent to participate (if required)
  • • Availability of data and materials
  • • Authors’ contributions
  • • Conflicts of interests
Main Manuscript Text
  • • All texts should be set to a normal, plain font, and 12-point Times New Roman.
  • • Paper size: A4 and margin: top, left, right, bottom 1 inch (25.4mm)
  • • Italics should be used for emphasis.
  • • The automatic page numbering function can be used to number the pages.
  • • Use tab stops or other commands for indents, not the spacebar.
  • • Use the table function, not spreadsheets, to make tables.

Please provide an abstract of 100 to 250 words. The abstract should not contain any undefined abbreviations or unspecified references.


Please provide 4 to 6 keywords which can be used for indexing purposes.

Page number

Consecutive page numbers should be located at the upper right-hand corner of each page.

Section headings

APA heading guidelines should be used as seen in the following table.

Level Format

Centered, Boldface, Title Case Heading

Text starts a new paragraph.

Flush Left, Boldface, Title Case Heading

Text starts a new paragraph.


Flush Left, Boldface Italic, Title Case Heading

Text starts a new paragraph.


Indented, Boldface Title Case Heading Ending With a Period. Paragraph

text continues on the same line as the same paragraph.


Indented, Boldface Italic, Title Case Heading Ending With a Period.

Paragraph text continues on the same line as the same paragraph.

Figures and Tables
  • • All tables should be merged into the main text in appropriate locations, not attached at the end of the manuscript.
  • • Following the APA 7th edition guidelines, all tables are to be numbered using Arabic numerals.
  • • Tables should always be cited in text in consecutive numerical order.
  • • A table title should be provided explaining the components of the table.
  • • Footnotes of tables should be indicated by superscript lower-case letters (or asterisks for significance values and other statistical data) and included beneath the table body.
● Use footnotes rather than endnotes.
  • • Double quotation marks should be used and each quotation is followed by the corresponding page number.
  • • Quotations longer than 40 words should be indented half an inch without quotation marks.
  • • All text citations and reference listings should comply with 7th APA edition style.
  • • Digital object identifiers (DOIs) should be provided if available.
  • • The words “Retrieved from” should be only used when a retrieval date is also provided in the citation.
  • • All sources with three authors or more are attributed using the name of the first author followed by “et al.” in in-body citations.

You can find the example of cover page, How to write references, Numbering, and Tables and Figures HERE. Here are concrete styles of the Journal.