Comparative Study on Chinese Junior Middle School Students` Mathematics Belief Systems in Chaoxian and Han Nationalities
Mei Yue Jin , Peng Zhang , Jin Hua Liu , Feng Dai
13267-296, 2009
Intuitive Knowledge of Percentages Prior to Learning
Rosenthal Iris , Ilany Bat Sheva , Almog Nava
13297-307, 2009
The Function of Creativity in the Solutions of Irregular Sequence Problems among Elementary School Mathematics Teachers and Teacher-Trainees in other Disciplines
Gazit Avikam , Patkin Dorit
13309-330, 2009
The Olympic Mathematics Education in China
Hou Qing Zhou , Ran Qiang Liu
13331-339, 2009
Pre and In-Service Education of Mathematics Teachers
Hooda D. S.
13341-347, 2009
In- Service Mathematics Teacher Training from the Van Hiele Theory Perspective
Afonso M Candelaria , Camacho Matias , Socas Martin M.
13349-377, 2009