Print ISSN 1226-6191|Online ISSN 2287-9943


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Mathematics for Teachers of Mathematics
A Study of Current Work in Curriculum Development for School Mathematics in Korea towards the 21st Century
Accomplishments and Prospects in the Psychology of Mathematics Learning
Portfolio Assessment as a Policy for Innovating Mathematics Classrooms
Activation of Comparative Studies on Mathematics Education
School Mathematics Curriculum in Korea
The current Status of Computer Usage in Korean Schools
Fuzzy Concept and Mathematics Education
Teachers and Research Studies in Computer-Assisted Learning
A Study of Curriculum Development for Mathematically Gifted Students
Development of a Teaching / Learning Model for the Mathematical Enculturation of Elementary and Secondary School Students
Improving thinking in Children with Low Mathematics Achievement
Mental Counting Strategies for Early Arithmetic Learning
A Comparative Study of Mathematics Curriculum between Korea and the United States
Recent Curriculum Development in the Early Childhood Geometry in Czech Republic