Relationships Between Teacher`s Knowledge of School Mathematics and their Views of Mathematics Learning and Instructional Practice : A Case Study of Taiwan
Hsin Mei E. Huang
61-27, 2002
Children`s Representations of Numbers
Man Goo Park
629-38, 2002
An Elementary Teacher`s Practical Knowledge of Using Mathematical Tasks for Promoting Students` Understanding and Discourse
Cheong Soo Cho
639-51, 2002
Tools for the Acquisition of Graphing Ability : Real - Time Graphing Technology
Oh Nam Kwon
653-63, 2002
A Review of Mathematics Education Reform in the United States : Ideal , Practice , and Implication
Jeong Suk Pang
665-80, 2002
Impact of Hand - Held Technology for Understanding Linear Equations and Graphs
Oh Nam Kwon
681-96, 2002
On Radar Surveillance in Statistical Perspective for the Classroom
Sung Sook Kim , G. Daniel Kim
697-106, 2002